Category Archive: Original State

Our search for a property and the original state of the church we chose.


The State and Floorplans at Purchase: The Garden/Parking Lot

Lame mathematician jokes and the things that can be done using only a hose, a pair of secateurs, and a soup spoon. And a pictorial tour of the sorry state of the garden around our church at time of purchase.


The State and Floorplans at Purchase: The Basement

This is the third post in the series on the condition and layout of the property at time of purchase. This basement, like one would expect, is a bit less fun to look at than, say, the main worship hall. I’m going to focus a bit on the practical aspects of heating and other necessities. …

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The State and Floorplans at Purchase: Upper Floor and Attic

This is the second entry in the series of posts on the state-at-purchase of the building. The first post installment included a tour of the ground floor. As throughout this series, the photos here were not originally intended to be “good photography”, but rather reference photos, so please lower expectations accordingly. Like last time, I’ll …

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The State and Floorplans at Purchase: Ground Floor

This is the first post in a four part series in which I’ll post some pictures from our various viewings of the property. These photographs were originally intended to be only for our own reference, so they are not exactly of the highest quality, or well composed or any such thing. Nevertheless, they should give …

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The Search

After 15 years and 6 countries of wanderings, my husband and I decided (well, ok, I insisted) it was time to settle down. After being mired in abstractions for so long, I’ve got the overwhelming desire to do something creative that is tangible, visible, and concrete for a change. Since we are not tied to …

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